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The FragmentBuffer class stores the fragments of a message for reassembly. It is used by the StreamConnection class.


FragmentBuffer new = function(timeout: number?): FragmentBuffer

Returns a new FragmentBuffer object with the given timeout. If timeout is not provided, 10 seconds will be used.


  1. number? timeout - The timeout in seconds.


number Timeout

The buffer timeout in seconds. If a new fragment is not received within this time, the buffer will be cleared to prevent memory leaks.

number CutOffTime

The time at which the buffer will be cleared if no new fragments are received.

number TotalFragments

The number of fragments the full message is expected to have.

{CsrpMessage} Fragments

The received fragments of the message. The key is the fragment index and the value is the message fragment object.


RBXScriptSignal TimedOut

Fired when the buffer times out.


void Add

FragmentBuffer:Add = function(fragment: CsrpMessage)

Adds a fragment to the buffer and resets the timeout timer.


  1. CsrpMessage fragment - The fragment to add.

boolean IsComplete

FragmentBuffer:IsComplete = function(): boolean

Returns whether the buffer contains all of the fragments of the message.

void Disable

FragmentBuffer:Disable = function()

Disables the buffer. This will prevent additional fragments from being added to the buffer and will stop the timeout timer.

void Dispose

FragmentBuffer:Dispose = function()

Disables and clears the buffer.