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The StreamConnection class stores a single connection to a MessageStream along with the buffers used to store the fragments of a message. It is returned by the MessageStream:Subscribe method.


StreamConnection new = function(connection: RBXScriptConnection, buffers: {[string]: FragmentBuffer}): StreamConnection

Returns a new StreamConnection object with the given connection and buffers.


  1. RBXScriptConnection connection - The connection to the MessageStream.
  2. {[string]: FragmentBuffer} buffers - The buffers used to store the fragments of a message.


RBXScriptConnection Connection

The connection to the MessagingService topic.

boolean Connected

Whether the connection is still active.

{[string]: FragmentBuffer} Buffers

The buffers used to store the fragments of a message. A message with a given interaction ID will be stored in the buffer with the same key. A buffer is cleared when the last fragment of a message is received.


void Disconnect

StreamConnection:Disconnect = function()

Disconnects the connection to the MessagingService topic and disposes of the buffers.