A utility class for creating valid CsrpMessage objects.
CsrpMessageBuilder new
CsrpMessageBuilder.new = function()
Returns a new CsrpMessageBuilder object.
string Sender
The message sender's JobId. Defaults to the current server's JobId.
{string} Recipients
A table of the message recipients' JobIds. Defaults to an empty table.
string InteractionId
The message interaction ID. A random GUID will be generated when calling the constructor.
{[string]: any} Options
A table of additional message options. Defaults to an empty table.
string? Body
The message body. Defaults to nil
CsrpMessageBuilder SetSender
CsrpMessageBuilder:SetSender(sender: string): CsrpMessageBuilder
Sets the message sender's JobId. Throws an error if the sender contains semicolons. Returns the CsrpMessageBuilder object for chaining.
CsrpMessageBuilder SetRecipients
CsrpMessageBuilder:SetRecipients(recipients: {string}): CsrpMessageBuilder
Sets the message recipients' JobIds. Throws an error if any of the recipients contain semicolons. Returns the CsrpMessageBuilder object for chaining.
CsrpMessageBuilder AddRecipient
CsrpMessageBuilder:AddRecipient(recipient: string, excludeCurrentForBroadcast: boolean?): CsrpMessageBuilder
Adds a recipient to the message. Throws an error if the recipient contains semicolons. Returns the CsrpMessageBuilder object for chaining.
If recipient
is an empty string, the message will be broadcast to all servers. If excludeCurrentForBroadcast
is true
(default), the current server's JobId will be excluded from the broadcast. Setting excludeCurrentForBroadcast
to false
will cause the message to be broadcast to all servers, including the current server.
If excludeCurrentForBroadcast
is set to false
when broadcasting to all servers, the sender will also receive the message. Keep this in mind in order to avoid infinite loops.
CsrpMessageBuilder ExcludeRecipient
CsrpMessageBuilder:ExcludeRecipient(recipient: string): CsrpMessageBuilder
Excludes a recipient from the message by adding it to the Recipients list and prefixing the recipient with -
. Throws an error if the recipient contains semicolons. Returns the CsrpMessageBuilder object for chaining.
CsrpMessageBuilder SetInteractionId
CsrpMessageBuilder:SetInteractionId(interactionId: string): CsrpMessageBuilder
Sets the message interaction ID. Throws an error if the interaction ID contains semicolons. Returns the CsrpMessageBuilder object for chaining.
CsrpMessageBuilder SetOption
CsrpMessageBuilder:SetOption(option: string, value: any): CsrpMessageBuilder
Sets an option on the message. Throws an error if the key or value contain semicolons, commas or equals signs. Returns the CsrpMessageBuilder object for chaining.
CsrpMessageBuilder SetBody
CsrpMessageBuilder:SetBody(body: string): CsrpMessageBuilder
Sets the message body. Returns the CsrpMessageBuilder object for chaining.
The message body can contain any characters, including semicolons, commas and equals signs.
CsrpMessage Build
CsrpMessageBuilder:Build(): CsrpMessage
Builds the message. Returns the CsrpMessage object.