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Creating Messages

In Router, messaging happens using CsrpMessage objects. The library also provides a CsrpMessageBuilder class to help with creating messages. A CsrpMessage can be created as follows:

-- We'll assume that Router is already defined here and in future snippets
local CsrpMessageBuilder = require(Router.CsrpMessageBuilder)
local message =
    :setBody("Hello, world!")

The above snippet creates a message with a single recipient and a body of "Hello, world!". The CsrpMessage object is then stored in the message variable. Once sent, the message will be received by the server with the JobId ae63c7e0-1b1e-4b1e-9c1e-1b1e4b1e9c1e.


Using the CsrpMessageBuilder class is recommended as it validates message headers as they are added. However, it is possible to create a CsrpMessage object directly by using the CsrpMessage constructor.