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Traced Ray

A TracedRay is a ray that has been traced through a scene. The TracedRay handles the ray's position and orientation, as well as runs any shader effects on the ray.


This class is not meant to be used directly.


TracedRay origin, Vector3 direction, int maxBounces, RaycastParams raycastParams, table<Shader> shaders, dict out?)

Creates a new TracedRay. maxBounces is the maximum number of bounces the ray can make. raycastParams is the raycast parameters to use when tracing the ray. shaders is a table of shader effects to apply to the ray. out is an optional dictionary to pass initial values and available buffers to the ray.


Vector2 Pixel

The viewport pixel the ray originates from.

dict Out

The output of the shader effects applied to the ray. The keys must match the names of the buffers in the Ray Tracer.

Example of the Out property structure

Out = {
    Color =, 0, 1),
    Depth = 1,
    Normal =, 0, 0),

dict OutDefaults

Shallow copy of the output of the shader effects applied to the ray. These are provided to rays created using the Continue, Reflect and Refract Shader methods

Static property

This property is not meant to be used directly or modified.

int Bounces

The number of bounces the ray has undergone.

dict {float Distance, Vector3 Normal} InitialCollision

The first collision the ray has undergone.

Vector3 Origin

The origin of the ray.

Vector3 Direction

The direction of the ray.

int MaxBounces

The maximum number of bounces the ray can undergo.

RaycastParams RaycastParams

The raycast parameters used to trace the ray.

table<Shader> Shaders

The shaders that the ray can run.

Color3 Color

The color of the ray.


This property is deprecated. Use the Out property instead.


TracedRay Trace(...)

Traces the ray and runs any shader effects when the ray terminates. Returns the TracedRay object itself. ... is the arguments to pass to the shader effects.